Museum the New Llano Colony

Frank H. Quipp


Family Information: Married to Mona Quipp.

Father of Franklin, Quentin, Rosella, Genevieve, Ione, Violet, Joy Ilane, Paul Leroy, and Sidney Eugene.  

Description: He was said to have been proud of his roses, lilacs, grapes, etc.  

Pre-Colony History:  

Home in Colony: Lived on the first land cleared by colonists after their arrival in Louisiana in 1917; it was located west of the Llano cemetery. In 1935 the crops looked good -- the berries had been gathered that morning, beans looked thrifty, tomato vines loaded down with large fruit, corn yielding roasting ears and sweet potato vines that promised a good harvest.  

Job in Colony: In September 1931 he was working on the farm -- at that point taking care of the late cow peas -- along with Ogden, Bartram, Grover, Jernberg, McClurg, Harry Morgan, Luther Mackentyre, Robert Roe, Fred Busick, Waters and "Dad" Stevens.

In October 1931 he and Raymond Ogden were hauling brick with a two-horse team for building a chimney on the tobacco barn.

In 1935 he was in charge of the colony nursery and had many kinds of flowering plants, fruit seedlings, roses and other flowers. Also, making repairs to plumbing at the dairy.

In December 1935 he coaxed the old "farm-all" into working so a crew could thresh the peanuts, providing between 75 and 80 bushels of the 'goobers'. The crew consisted of Hoefel, Fortall, Bill Brough and Quentin.

In 1936 he was placed in general charge of all farming activities, including the gardens which had been under the direction of John Szpila until his departure from the colony. 

Other Info: In 1932, he helped Harry Morgan, R.V. and Isom Shoemaker fill the silo at the dairy barn with corn, sorghum and peanut vines; Ward Shoemaker was inside the silo with a half dozen grade students, diligently tramping down the ensilage.  

Post-Colony History: In July 1937 the family sent a postcard to Ruth Jernberg in the colony to say that they'd finally reached their destination at Spooner, Wisconsin after they'd left a month prior.  


Sources: "Llano Colonist": September 5, 1931, October 3, 1931, November 5, 1932, February 23, 1935, June 22, 1935, December 7, 1935, April 4, 1936, July 10, 1937  


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