Museum of the New Llano Colony

"The year that has closed... has seen the steady growth of millionaires... The average wage of the American worker remains at $25 per week in contrast, and the averages of women workers are much less than that. What is necessary today is to unite around the banner of progressive, courageous and militant action the great masses of American workers." Llano Colonist, January 19, 1929

Upcoming Events / Exhibits:

No upcoming events scheduled.

“Class struggle molded [Clarence] Darrow’s life. It molded the life of Eugene Debs. It molded the life of Job Harriman. It molded the life of…hundreds of people who came together in the Llano effort. It was the basic cause of the setting up of the Llano Cooperative Colony. That fact must never be lost sight of.” Bread and Hyacinths, the Rise and Fall of Utopian Los Angeles by Paul Greenstein, Nigey Lennon and Lionel Rolfe

Special Exhibits

Women in the New Llano Colony, 2015 - Present

"Membership in the Llano Colony can be had on payment of what is considered enough to provide the worker with tools and equipment. Money is not all that is necessary to join the Colony, however. One must evince a desire to do his full duty in social, educational, and physical betterment; to be willing to work at whatever is necessary to be done, and to be patient and anxious to learn how to become a real co-operator." Llano Colonist, December 10, 1927

Past Events

A Journey to Llano, 2017

New Llano Colony Heritage Day, 2015

Kate Richards O'Hare in the New Llano Colony, 2014

"... we of Llano Colony have gathered where we now are and work in common to bring about the time when there will be no more misery, no more shedding of human blood at even the remotest point where human beings are living." Llano Colonist, October 26, 1929

Copyright 2018 Museum of the New Llano Colony